
NY1 - Cafe Boulud at the Carter Burden Luncheon Club & Senior Program

Upper East Side seniors received a special treat as Cafe Boulud’s Executive Chef Aaron Bludorn prepared a gourmet meal for more than 150 older New Yorkers at the Carter Burden Luncheon Club & Senior Program. For several years, chefs from Café Boulud have been taking their talents outside the gourmet kitchen to give back to a growing and often forgotten segment of the population – aging New Yorkers. As part of CBN’s Senior Week in celebration of Older Americans Month, seniors enjoyed a delectable menu of Beef Daube Provençal with Polenta, Ratatouille, and an Arugula Salad followed by a Dessert of Strawberry Shortcake from pastry chef Shaun Velez. Staff and volunteers from Macy’s, a longtime supporter of CBN were on hand to assist.