
The Patch - CBN at El Barrio's Artspace PS109

Recently, we partnered with the El Barrio Artspace at PS109 to showcase work made by seniors in our Making Art Work program. An opening ceremony took place June 21 from 6 pm-8 pm. The exhibit will feature paintings, prints, mixed media works, ceramics, and textiles created at the Carter Burden/Leonard Covello Senior Center (Covello) in East Harlem. More than one hundred pieces created by seniors who take classes in Covello’s Marking Art Work program, as well as artwork by Covello’s teaching artists and both current and former artists in residence will be on display. The exhibit closes this weekend on Sunday, June 30. Click here to see The Patch’s article about the exhibit.

Photo by: Robert Santorelli

Photo by: Robert Santorelli